
I am a Lead Product Designer with over 10 years of experience in Design Lead, Front-end Development, and Project Lead roles, coordinating small-sized teams. I‘m passioned about bringing structure and accountability to projects with an organized approach and effective communication.
My in depth expertise in mobile application design using HCD methodologies ensures seamless and intuitive usability for end-users and successful products at scale. I consider my client‘s business needs and operational delivery in my work and advocate for research and user centricity within Agile & Lean frameworks.
My advanced knowledge in front-end development and interdisciplinary team collaboration makes me an asset to any product design team.

Drop me a line.


Companies I have worked for:

Karlmax Berlin WOW-Tech
Acrolinx VIACOM Meteogroup
Baden Württemberg Stiftung Baden Württemberg Q-vi Tech
KulturKombinat BULDOC Berlin shortcuts
KREATIVIS Grafenstein Bulwest 2000

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